Real Estate Problem Solver: Alex Wentland Flight Debrief

Welcome back to our second LeadPropeller Flight Debrief, where we highlight the success of one of our LeadPropeller customers! This month’s debrief will be about Alex Wentland and the real estate problem solver approach to his new investing business.

Alex’s First Year in Real Estate Investing

Like most real estate investors, Alex was seeking financial freedom. After working as a waiter for some time, he took the leap into real estate investing! He and his future wife are located in Las Vegas, Nevada after relocating there from Chicago. The two of them, and their two dogs, are settled and building their real estate investing business rapidly.

get to know alex as a real estate problem solver

The big key to Alex’s success was truly devoting everything to building his business from the ground up.

“It was really running on faith,” Alex says, “I hoped it would work for me, and it did!”

But it wasn’t just blind luck and optimism that got Alex through the first few months of establishing his business. There was a lot of trial and error.

When asked, Alex admitted, “The beginning was rocky. But with help and advice from podcasts and mentors, I was able to get better. I learned by making mistakes.”

Building a Marketing Strategy

After looking online for help in building a marketing strategy for his real estate investing business, Alex found the Flipping Junkie Podcast and went from there. After hearing LeadPropeller mentioned in a few of the podcasts, Alex looked us up and made the decision to get a website to help build his business.

And it was all up from there. Once Alex got LeadPropeller’s managed PPC service, he noticed a huge jump in online leads for his business. In September, only a few months after starting his journey in his new investing, Alex went from “just another normal person” to a real estate investing success!

When asked where his motivation and business inspiration came from, Alex responded with this:

“I get really inspired when I hear about other’s people success. I listened to the Flipping Junkie Podcast a lot, and saw Danny’s business model and went from there.”

At the end of the day, though, Alex’s main goal is always to present himself as a real estate problem solver instead of just someone who’s after the money. And making the decision to market himself personally has worked amazingly for his business!

Being a Real Estate Problem Solver

From the very start, Alex wanted his business to be something that focused on helping motivated sellers. With his passion for helping people merged with his passion for real estate, Alex worked on building his business’s reputation as a real estate problem solver. He wanted motivated sellers to trust him and feel comfortable making these big decision with his business. So, he turned his company into a solution driven model.

While he does primarily focus on real estate investing, Alex also does traditional real estate sales. However, the goal for him is never “how can I make the most money”. No, Alex’s mission for his real estate investing business is how can he make the best customer experience possible.

let alex be your real estate problem solver

He starts by reassuring his clients that, no matter what condition their house is in, or what outstanding financial issues it may have, that he is here to help them. Always establishing a trusting relationship with his clients, Alex puts their needs as the top concern.

“There have been multiple times where I’ll run stuff to title companies, contact lawyers, or just spend time with the customers so they’re fully informed,” Alex says, “It’s all about building a brand  based on trust.”

So it doesn’t matter if it’s a short sale, or a house with outstanding financial issues, Alex cares the most about making sure his customers have the best experience possible. Talk about great care!

What’s in Store for 2017?

With his Adwords campaign from LeadPropeller’s managed PPC service, Alex has already generated a number of hot leads in just the first few months of this year!

“We have closed 10 transactions in 2017 already and are excited for the the rest of the year!” Alex told us, “We hope we can continue to help each client that contacts us and be able to offer more solutions to our clients as we move forward.”

Dang, 10 deals already done in just 2 months?? That’s…outstanding!

selling property to be a real estate problem solver

In just a short amount of time, Alex Wentland went from waiting tables to achieving financial freedom through real estate investing! With a new, strong online marketing strategy paired with his excellent customer service, it’s no wonder Alex’s business is doing so well.

When asked about his goals for the future, Alex simply said:

I want to help anyone who comes to me, and go on to be an inspiration for other beginning investors.”

What amazing goals, Alex!

And what a great way to build your business – being the real estate problem solver instead of the shark after someone’s house.

Good luck in the coming year, Alex, and congratulations on an amazing business! Thank you for being a valued LeadPropeller partner. Alex Wentland – over and out.

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