5 Ways to Answer Customer Questions Before They Ask

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting asked a question by a customer that you’ve already answered. There’s also nothing more embarrassing than realizing you don’t have these answers available for them. We briefly went over this when we talked about how to make your real estate investing website more credible, but let’s go over it more in depth.

Why is it so important to answer customer questions early on? There are a few reasons:

  1. It makes you more credible
  2. It makes them feel self-sufficient
  3. It frees up time from you needing to answer the same question over and over

There are lots of different strategies to connect with your target audience through content and community management. In this article we’re going to go over the top 5 ways to answer customer questions before they ask! Let’s get started.

1. FAQ Page

faq pages answer customer questions before they ask

Having an FAQ page will make your website more credible, as well as give your clients the opportunity to do the research for themselves. When a motivated seller visits your website, they’re looking for information on your business and the process of selling a house to an investor.

When that information is easy for them to find, they get two things: a better understanding of the question they had, and the feeling that they are the ones choosing your business instead of going with you out of necessity. When a customer has that feeling, they are more likely to do business with you because they are confident in their decision.

Your FAQ page needs to be easy to get to. The best way it to have an “FAQ” tab in your navigation bar in your website’s header. Some great examples of FAQ questions to have are:

  • Will you buy a house with no repairs?
  • What if the property has tenants living in it?
  • How fast will you be able to close on the house?
  • I have legal issues attached to the house, is that a problem?
  • There are tax liens on the house, can you help?

Answering these questions in an easy to read format will cover the basics so that you don’t have to. This also weeds out the prospects who aren’t serious about selling their house to you. That way you won’t get cold leads or irrelevant leads coming to you and wasting your time.

2. Articles with Single Answers

need to know searches answer customer questions

Remember all of that SEO stuff we’ve been talking about? This strategy is all SEO. Writing an article that answers a single question is a great long-term way to keep the answer available for your target audience.

Let’s say you frequently get asked about houses that have a lot of repairs that need to be made. Writing an article that specifically addresses those concerns will:

  1. Answer the question being asked
  2. Provide a link for future questions of this type
  3. Index this page (and your website) in Google as an answer to this question and questions like it

That last one is really important for SEO. Having a high quality answer article indexed in a search engine will keep your website as a page one response when someone Googles something like “how to sell a house without making repairs”, or “sell a house without repairing it”. This is the best way to generate organic leads to your real estate investing business.

This strategy is also perfect for content marketing. Think about it, you want the keyword to be a search term, right? How many different ways could someone search “sell a house without repairs”. Every variation of that search term can be its own article. This will get you indexed for multiple search terms which increases the likelihood of new customers coming to your real estate investing business.

3. Vlogs

vlogging answers customer questions

Vlogging is a great way to connect with your audience in an authentic way. We mentioned vlogging in a few of our articles, most notably in our article about creating a successful YouTube channel for your real estate investing business.

Jeff Bullas, an online marketing expert, found that 65% of audiences are visual learners. You already know how valuable visuals are for marketing purposes. Remember, answering customer questions is PR. While it might not seem like it converts people into leads or customers, it definitely builds your real estate investing business’s reliability and credibility.

Ok, back to vlogging and why it’s important. When you get a customer or potential partner posting a question on one of your business social media accounts (or asking you directly) making a vlog to answer it is a good long-lasting way to keep that answer available for the future. The odds are, you’re going to be getting asked that question more than once. Having a vlog ready accomplishes a few things:

  1. Provides an authentic response from you. Remember, the vlog format is low budget and with minimal editing. It’s just you and a camera and your viewers. The more authentic it is, the better your audience engages with you.
  2. Builds your SEO. When you upload your vlog to YouTube or FaceBook, add tags to it that will help those platforms to categorize your content. Just like a blog’s tags, this is great for SEO.
  3. Adds to your content. Now that this vlog is made you can add it to your content marketing library and pull it out whenever the question gets asked again, or whenever there’s a similar topic being discussed.

4. Explainer and Whiteboard Videos

explainer videos answer customer questions
Image from Killer Infographics

Just like making a vlog to answer a question, you can preemptively answer common questions or explain your business’s process with a whiteboard or explainer video. These are two different styles to address information, but essentially they both achieve the same goal.

The point of having videos like this is to drive the conversation to what your business is and how it helps solve your client’s problem. These are typically much higher production quality than a vlog is. That’s because these are going to be videos that are featured on your website and in your marketing.

That being said, you don’t have to be a media expert to get a good explainer or whiteboard video. There are plenty of freelancers available online for you to get an explainer video made through. Some of the best freelance sites are:

Once you’ve found the right freelancer for your team all that’s left is to make a script with what you want the video to say. Your new team member will take it from there. We highly recommend making an explainer video. These are invaluable to your website credibility and your business over all. We also advocate for not spending your time making them. Outsourcing in your real estate investing business will save you time and money in the long run.

5. Live Event & AMA’s

live streaming answer customer questions
Image from BlazeMeter.com

Live events can be handled on multiple platforms. You have:

All of these platforms have live streaming capabilities that will get you directly connected with your audience. Most of these platforms have a way to optimize the stream before it starts, that way you’ll pull in your audience and not just followers. Additionally, after your live stream is done all of these platforms save the video. Upload that video to your YouTube channel afterwards and – boom – you’ve just made more content.

But what does “AMA” stand for. AMA means “ask me anything” and are popular online live events that brands and businesses do to directly communicate with their followers and prospect leads. When you do a live event as an AMA you are getting exactly what your audience is interested in and are able to answer those questions in real time. Think of it like a networking event, but no one has to leave their house! It’s great!

Doing live AMAs for your real estate investing business won’t answer customer questions before they ask them, but it will give you a fast response time as well as open the door for that important client conversation to start.

You don’t just want to post that you’re going live without giving it much thought, though. That’s like sending invitations out to a party an hour before it starts. You shouldn’t be surprised when no one shows up. You’ll want to market the event for at least a week or so before hand, as well as make sure it’s a narrow field of discussion. Possible topics for a live AMA are:

  • Selling with bad credit
  • Selling as-is
  • Finding wholesale houses
  • How do get into real estate investing

Answer Customer Questions Before They Ask

At the end of the day, all of this is brand building and PR. The more you do that, the more trustworthy your real estate investing business becomes. On top of that, this is marketing, plain and simple. Building your online presence is essential for getting to the front page of Google. After all, that’s where the best (and cheapest) leads will come from.

To help you build your online presence, we have weekly webinars all about getting to the first page of Google and generating high quality leads online! Did we mention it’s free to attend? Come check it out by clicking the button below!

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